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The Hill Lab is an integrative research program investigating the function and evolution of animal ornamentation. An emerging interest for the lab group is the co-adaptation and co-evolution of mitonuclear elements within eukaryotes. A consideration of mitonuclear processes holds promise to unite under one explanatory umbrella the evolution of sex, sexual selection, speciation, and adaptation.
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Recent News
Hill lab alums off to postdocs

Matt Powers joined the Barreto lab at Oregon State

Nick Justyn joined the Allen lab at Swansea University
Cover of Science Magazine
The genetic basis of sexual dichromatism

Emma Rhodes is awarded a prestigious GFRP from NSG

Dr. Hill named Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, or AAAS, announced that both Geoffrey Hill, professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, and J. V. Ortiz, professor in the Department of Chemistry, have been named Fellows of AAAS...
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