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25 Most Impactful* Hill Lab Papers

* as ranked by Dr. Hill

1. Hill, G. E. and J.D. Johnson. 2013. The mitonuclear compatibility hypothesis of sexual selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 280 1768.

2. Hill, G. E. 2017.  The mitonuclear compatibility species concept. Auk: Ornithological Advances 134: 393–409.

3. Hill, G. E. 2015. Mitonuclear Ecology. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32 (8): 1917-1927.

4. Hill, G. E. 2011. Condition-dependent traits as signals of the functionality of vital cellular processes. Ecology Letters 14: 625-634.

5. Hill, G. E. (2018), Mitonuclear Mate Choice: A Missing Component of Sexual Selection Theory? BioEssays 40: 1700191. 


6. Hill, G. E. 2016. Mitonuclear coevolution as the genesis of speciation and the mitochondrial DNA barcode gap. Ecology and Evolution


7. Hill, G. E. 2014. Cellular Respiration: The Nexus of Stress, Condition, and Ornamentation. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54: 539-554.

8. Hill, G. E. 2015. Sexiness, individual condition, and species identity: The information signaled by ornaments and assessed by choosing females. Evolutionary Biology 42 (3) 251-259.

9. Hill, G. E. and J. D. Johnson. 2012. The Vitamin A-Redox Hypothesis: A biochemical basis for honest signaling via carotenoid pigmentation. American Naturalist 180(5): E127-50.

10. Hill, G. E. 1991. Plumage coloration is a sexually selected indicator of male quality. Nature. 350:337-339.

11. Lopes, R.J., Johnson, J.D., Toomey, M.B., Ferreira, M.S., Araujo, P.M., Melo-Ferreira, J., Andersson, L., Hill, G.E., Corbo, J.C. and Carneiro, M. Genetic basis for red coloration in birds. Curr. Biol. 2016;26:1–8.

12. Weaver, R. J., R. E. Koch, and G. E. Hill. 2017. What maintains signal honesty in animal color displays used in mate choice? Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 


13. Koch, R.E., C.J. Josefson, and G.E. Hill (2017) Mitochondrial function, immunocompetence, and ornamentation Biological Reviews 92(3):1459-1474.

14. Hill, G. E. 1990. Female house finches prefer colorful males: sexual selection for a condition-dependent trait.  Animal Behaviour 40:563-572.

15. Hill, G. E. 1996. Redness as a measure of the production cost of ornamental coloration. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution  8:157-175.

16. Hill, G. E.  and K.J. McGraw. 2004. Correlated changes in male plumage coloration and female mate choice in cardueline finches. Animal Behaviour  67:27-35.

17. Mays, H. L. Jr. and G.E. Hill. 2004. Choosing mates: good genes versus genes that are a good fit. Trends in Ecology and Evolution19:554-559.

18. Hill, G. E. 1995. Ornamental traits as indicators of environmental quality. Bioscience 45:25-31.

19. Hill. G. E. 2014. Sex linkage of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes. Heredity 112, 469–470.

20. Toomey, Lopes, Araujo, Johnson, Gazda, Afonso, Mota, G. E. Hill, Corbo, Carneiro. 2017. The high-density lipoprotein receptor, SCARB1, is required for carotenoid coloration in birds. PNAS


21. Hill, G. E. 1994. Geographic variation in male ornamentation and female mate preference in the house finch: A comparative test of models of sexual selection. Behavioral Ecology 5:64-73.

22. Hill, G. E. 1999. Is there an immunological cost to carotenoid-based ornamental coloration? American Naturalist 154:589-595.

23. Badyaev, A. V. and G.E. Hill. 2003. Avian sexual dichromatism in relation to phylogeny and ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 34:27-49.

24. Shawkey, M. D., and  G. E. Hill. 2005. Carotenoids need nanostructures to shine. Biology Letters 1:121-124.

25. Hill, G. E. 1992. The proximate basis of variation in carotenoid pigmentation in male House Finches. Auk 109:1-12.

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